Nota: Hoy he decidido escribir esta publicación del blog en inglés.
Note: Today I decided to write this blog post in English.
In a new application than I am developing for a company, I had to decide if to make use of C++/CX (C++ with Component Extension) or make all the main stuff in C++ standard and ABI/COM.
Nota: Hoy he decidido escribir esta publicación del blog en inglés.
Note: Today I decided to write this blog post in English.
In a new application than I am developing for a company, I had to decide if to make use of C++/CX (C++ with Component Extension) or make all the main stuff in C++ standard and ABI/COM.
All of you than have had to work with COM (Component Object Model) and fighting with the interfaces, reference count, etc. known the tricky and heavy that it can become.
As an example of the easy approach using C++/CX, I am creating a new Uri object, like this:
assert(wcscmp(uriEasyWay->AbsoluteUri->Data(), L"") == 0);
Now, I going to show you the more difficult approach using C++ Standard and ABI/COM interfaces:
HSTRING string = nullptr;
HRESULT hr = WindowsCreateStringReference(L"Windows.Foundation.Uri", 22, &header, &string);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ABI::Windows::Foundation::IUriRuntimeClassFactory * factory = nullptr;
hr = RoGetActivationFactory(string, __uuidof(factory), reinterpret_cast<void **>(&factory));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
HSTRING stringUri = nullptr;
hr = WindowsCreateStringReference(L"", 24, &header, &stringUri);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ABI::Windows::Foundation::IUriRuntimeClass * uri = nullptr;
hr = factory->CreateUri(stringUri, &uri);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
HSTRING absUriString = nullptr;
hr = uri->get_AbsoluteUri(&absUriString);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
const WCHAR * uriString = WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(absUriString, nullptr);
assert(wcscmp(uriString, L"") == 0);
The 카지노 range of estimated increase in on-line gambling was between 11 and 20% excluding the best and lowest estimates. Gambling behaviour data have been collected in a variety of|quite lots of|a wide selection of} ways in the obtainable surveys. One research uniquely used gambling expenditure data from an internet supplier. A number of surveys assessed gambling engagement for each type of gambling obtainable regionally using structured questions. Reports assessing latest gambling have previously been found to have good reliability .